Getting around in Venice Beach, Santa Monica, California
Reviews > North America > United States > Santa Monica > Getting around in Venice Beach
After 3 days of heavy eating and drinking, I finally had some time on my own to visit Venice. I cannot believe I couldn't make it out here earlier, but my schedule had kept me really busy. Anyhow, my suite case broke so I had no choice. After seeing the $300 suite cases at the Samsonite store in Carlsbad, I decided to go get the $30 ones at Venice.
When you get to Venice, you are immediately amazed at how many people there are. The mixture was a bit different then usually because of all the USC fans walking around before the big game against Notre Dame. I walked a little North stopped by Muscle Beach and took a quick look at the skaters, basketball players and basically everything in between. Venice is the one place where you can do anything you want. The guy over at the rocks even wanted to smoke a Joint with me and that's at around 1pm. Remember that this is not Amsterdam and this is extremely liberal for US standards.
Anyhow, I think the pictures speak for themselves. I love this place, what can I say.
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Be the first who requests a site listing for this page.1. Nov 12, 2006 Stuttgart to Atlanta and on to LA (Atlanta) (

2. Nov 14, 2006 Getting around in LA (Los Angeles) (

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4. Nov 22, 2006 Thanksgiving in Carlsbad and visit in San Diego (San Diego) (

5. Nov 25, 2006 Getting around in Venice Beach (Santa Monica) (

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