travelgrove Reviews

South Africa Reviews, Africa

Traveling to South Africa, Africa and feeling a bit overwhelmed about your upcoming trip? You'll no doubt want to make sure you know every little detail about the place you're visiting and that's where we come in. Actually, not us directly, but the helpful users of our community who have posted various informative destination reviews about South Africa, reviews that you can check out below. They're written by real people with hands-on experience in traveling, so you're getting the real deal, not some biased view coming from a travel agency trying to make a sale. Feel free to read up on any of them and don't hesitate to contact the authors if you have questions about the destinations they wrote about, or any other location they've visited in South Africa.

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Recent reviews from South Africa

Weather forecast for Africa - Johannesburg reviews
South Africa - Johannesburg Summers can be very hot so people usually choose the spring time as their choice of travel time. North Africa - Kenya During the drier months of January and February you will find the greatest... Read more »


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