The ancient ruins of Ostia Antica, Italy
Reviews > Europe > Italy > Ostia Antica > The ancient ruins of Ostia Antica
I would rather suggest, to visit the area of ancient Ostia, the former harbour of Rome. You can see there big parts of the former city preserved, sometimes with walls still several meters high. You can wolc in places that make you feel yourself in 300 AD. If you have some time in Rome, you can easily get here, it's like a half-day program, but really worth the effort especially if you like such kind of things.
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If films are your passion, then Rimini is definitely the right place for you since it hosts Federico Fellini’s Museum that you simply must visit. This museum is opened in the centre of Rimini, in the Fellini historic house. Another sight on your agenda should be The Town’s Museum which is home to the original works of Renaissance artists in the area and not only.Rimini, Sights – Amusements Parks Once you have relaxed yourself visiting the cultural sights presented above, you should also consider having some fun. Luckily, Rimini gives you the chance to do just that in the amusement park Fiabilandia. The latter is the oldest... Read more »
Recent reviews for Ostia Antica
Den Stranden von Ostia - Jun 11, 2009, by mary
Ich wachte schon sehr früh auf. So gegen 9.00 Uhr.Fillipo war bei der Arbeit. Caro war auch schon wach. Der Rest schlief noch. Weil ich nicht wusste was ich machen sollte,puzzelte ich und las, bis auch Mama und Peter wach waren, ein... Read more »
You must see Ostia Antica - Jun 13, 2009, by MadSuh
We left a bit late to the beach the next day, but it turns out that we still had way too much sun that day. It wasn't really hot, but then the sun is too strong for anyone not used to it. Getting out to Ostia is not too easy, so if you go... Read more »
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