Matala is a nice Greek town, Greece
Reviews > Europe > Greece > Matala > Matala is a nice Greek town
It's a small greek city, offering not much nightlife or something like that. It's more the nature, that makes the area attractive. Matala has got some nice beaches, some surrounded by stone age caves, or occupied by old aged hippies. If you are on a trip going through the town, it's worth a stop.
You can visit the caves, they were used as tombs and places for worship in the Ancient times, now they are under archeological protection now. Interestin that in the '60s hippies lived in them, there was a whole commune here. The beaches are rathr nice and not very crowded, so you may cool yourself here.
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Recent reviews for Matala
The attractions of Matala - Dec 13, 2006, by Wazling
Matala is a small town on the south side of Crete. It has got a nice beach, with a camping site next to it. On the beach there're stone age caves, once were tombs and sacred places for rituals, used by Hippies in the 60's. You can sleep... Read more »
The beaches and attractions of Matala, Greece - Dec 15, 2008, by MadSuh
Matala has some great ancient caves, originally dug out during the stone age and used for worship. In the sixties hippies used them as housing and today they are yet again another tourist attraction. They are now protected by the Archeology... Read more »
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