travelgrove Reviews

Bamberg, Germany

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Victoria's pictureby Victoria review
added on 24th of July, 2009
Bamberg ist eine große Stadt und ich weiß wo sie liegt in Bayern.Dort gibt es die berühmten Bamberger Hörnle und reichlich Sovinirs

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Recommended Bonn Guide

Bonn History

After WWII Bonn was a territory of English occupation and it became the capital of West Germany. Bonn was chosen over Frankfurt to occupy this function in spite of the fact that it was estimated to be much more expensive and lots of nicknames were mockingly given to the city due to its relatively small size. After 1990 the capital moved to Berlin, but the connotations of this city were strongly related to Nazi Germany and there was consequently much debate upon the subject. The final compromise that was reached was to keep some of the ministries in Bonn while moving only the head officials to Berlin, so this way the city maintained some of... Read more »


Recent reviews for Bamberg

Abenteuer in Ravensburg - Jun 28, 2009, by mary
Heute Morgen bin ich von meiner Freundin nach Hause gekommen. Es hat leider geregnet. Ich war totall aufgeregt, weil ich am Nachmittag bei einem Staffellauf mitmachen würde. Ich habe schon jedes Jahr mitgemacht. Zur Ablenkung spielte... Read more »

What to see in Waldburg - Jul 6, 2010, by asterix
On a steep, conical hill, the highest point of Oberschwaben (772 m above sea-level) the Waldburg rises. It was the ancestral castle of the lineage of the imperial duke of the same name. From 1221 through 1240 the imperial regalia were kept... Read more »

What to visit in Weingarten - Jul 6, 2010, by asterix
Weingarten it is a small town linked to Ravensburg, it is so near that you can't even see when you are in Ravenburg or Weingarten. Here is situated the famous basilica of St. Martin and Oswald, one of the greatest barroc basilica of the... Read more »

Kurzer Leitfaden für Stuttgart - Jun 21, 2009, by mary
Wo liegt Stuttgart? Stuttgart liegt in Deutschlanf in Baden-Wüttemberg. Außerdem ist Stuttgart die Hauptstadt Baden-Wüttembergs. Sie hat ca. 600.000 Einwohner. Durch Stuttgart fließt der Fluss Neckar. Es ist sehr warm... Read more »

Weekend Trip to Jasmund National Park - Jun 3, 2009, by thomassie
First, this was a 2.5 days weekend trip to Ruegen. Just to let you know that this will be no detailed description of the island itself... Well, to get there we were taking the train from Potsdam to Sassnitz. That is quite moderate when you... Read more »


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