travelgrove Reviews

The good old France, Paris

    Paris's mapLArc de Triumphe
Typical Architecture
The Eiffel Tower
lindamura's pictureby lindamura review
added on 5th of March, 2008

Bonjour! France c'est magique!

France is the country of romance, fine food and beverages and it offers an endless choice of enchanting destinations. This country's landscape from the towering snow capped mountains of the Alps, the quaint countryside, the vineyards, thick green forests, sandy white beaches to the well-know landmarks and bright city lights just exemplifies the diversity that France has to offer.

Paris shows off the romantic side of France, from getting your portrait painted in the square at Montmartre, sipping coffee at a café, or taking a walk along the Seine. It also showcases the country's impressive landmarks, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe and the Cathedral of Notre-Dame. The rich atmosphere emitted on the Avenue of the Champs-Elysees is intoxicating. Filled with world-class hotels, the finest restaurants and shops called Yves Saint Laurent and Chanel await you.

Provence situated in the southern part of France, bordering the northern tip of Italy fulfills the needs of the quaint and humble to the rich and famous. The quaint explorer is able to bask in the relaxation of the sweet smells released from the lavender fields and taking a historic tour of ancient theaters, baths and aqueducts.

On the eastern coast is the renowned French Riveria, this is where you'll find the familiar town names of Nice, Cannes, Monaco, St-Tropez that have been heard on TV entertainment programming or magazines reporting on where the rich and famous go to play.

Lyon & the Alps is where Mount Blanc stands as Western Europe's highest mountain and offering a heaven to ski enthusiasts. Enjoy one of the most breath taking views.

Champagne, this part of France is infamous for it's sparkling wine and is home to Moet and Chandon, Tattinger and Mumm. You can't resist saying “bottoms up!” when you pay a visit here.

With a seemingly never-ending list of things to see and do, you'd want to get a head start and jet off to France. Au revoir!


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