travelgrove Reviews

Brazil Reviews, South America

Traveling to Brazil, South America and feeling a bit overwhelmed about your upcoming trip? You'll no doubt want to make sure you know every little detail about the place you're visiting and that's where we come in. Actually, not us directly, but the helpful users of our community who have posted various informative destination reviews about Brazil, reviews that you can check out below. They're written by real people with hands-on experience in traveling, so you're getting the real deal, not some biased view coming from a travel agency trying to make a sale. Feel free to read up on any of them and don't hesitate to contact the authors if you have questions about the destinations they wrote about, or any other location they've visited in Brazil.

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Recent reviews from Brazil

The beaches of Angra dos Reis - Angra Dos Reis reviews
Situated just 90 km from Rio and in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Angra dos Reis is most widely known as the gateway to an island paradise. This quaint fishing town is surrounded by 365 islands and over 2,000 beaches, all with their own... Read more »

You must see the Iguassu Falls, gallery by lourencobrandtYou must see the Iguassu Falls - Foz Do Iguacu reviews
We are finalist. Please let's make the Iguassu Falls one of the NEW 7 WONDERS of NATURE. We already got the twenty eight finalist position. But we can get even more. After take a look in the falls I am sure you guys will not only vote... Read more » 


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We are finalist. Please let's make the Iguassu Falls one of the NEW 7 WONDERS of NATURE. We already got the twenty eight finalist position. But...
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