travelgrove Reviews

Return to Covasna, Romania

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danpop's pictureby danpop review
added on 27th of June, 2009

As I pictured in the previous journal, “Story of a summer fun”, the camp in Covasna, in the summer of 2008 was indeed something special: places that make you speechless, new friends that know how to have fun, and above all a week away from the everyday routine: a getaway in a spectacular way. It was winter, 2008. In the previous semester at the university I had the average grade 10, so I knew that I am entitled to get another ticket for a winter camp. I put the necessary papers at the university and waited for the verdict. After a few days I got the big news: I got a ticket in Predeal (a well know sky resort in Romania).

After the initial joy, came the second thoughts. The camp was in the Christmas time, and I was hesitating. I wanted to spend the Christmas with my family, with presents, flamboyant fir and the Christmas spirit that surrounds the house. So I wanted to exchange the ticket with one that is for the New Year’s period. I asked colleagues, I watch the list of students that received tickets for someone I know and nothing. I was disappointed. I didn’t want to go in the Christmas period so I contacted a colleague who is the president of the Students’ Union (his name is Ovidiu). I met him and gave him my ticket, because he told me that he will use it for somebody at the Students’ Union.

When I was at home, an idea hit me. I remembered that when I was waiting in the line to get the ticket, I saw the girlfriend of a high school colleague. Exactly the best friend from high school. I took the phone and called him and asked him. He confirmed that his GF took a ticked, she being a student at Geography, and they both will use the same ticket. I hurried and called my colleague and asked him if he can trade my ticket for one in the same period and place that Daniel and Luciana (the high school colleague and his girlfriend) have. He said he’s sorry, but there are no more tickets available. I was a bit sad, but resigned with this situation. But, in one morning, when I was preparing to go to work, the phone calls. It was Ovidiu who told me that he can give me not just one ticket, but two tickets to Covasna, during New Year’s period. I was so happy and I asked for the both of the tickets: one for me, and one for Daniel.

I told the big news to Daniel and we were happy. Only one problem remained. Luciana had a ticket to a different hotel than Daniel and I had. So I called Ovidiu to ask his opinion. He told me that he knows somebody there and maybe we can talk to him to exchange the tickets there so that Luciana and Daniel will be at the same hotel.

On the 27th of December, we depart to Covasna, by car (Daniel has a car). The trip took almost 8 hours, but that 8 hours pass so quick. This is because we laugh all the time during this and told stories about what have he done lately. On the road we talked about what we will do about “the problem” with the accommodation. We analyzed all the methods and we came up with one solution (actually it was my bright idea J): Daniel and I will accommodate at that hotel where we had the tickets, but I will let Luciana with him. After this Luciana will accommodate in the other hotel and we will explain there the situation and request to have a guy as a roommate, not a girl (because being Luciana’s ticket they will give a room with another girl). Said and done.

We went first at the first hotel, checked in on my name, and then went to the other hotel. There was a line for like 10 meters, filled with irritated students. Irritated because of the waiting time. So we waited a lot, the three of us, with the story in mind. When it was our turn, we began: you see, the ticket is for a girl, and us, boys have two tickets at another hotel. We want a room with a boy, because the girl and the boy want to go to the other hotel, and the other boy wants to stay here. The lady there didn’t understand anything. So we reiterate all over again, and again, and again.

After we were exhausted of explaining, she just said: the room 106 has only one boy in. We were relief: Ok, thank you very much, good bye. And we hurry away from there. She didn’t give us a key, because only one is available for each room. We took the bags and headed towards 106. I knocked on the door and entered. I thing, in fact I’m positive, this was the best choice (my idea:P), because Adelin, the guy in that room was one of the coolest mates I have ever had.

This is the story behind another superb winter camp, at the same place I was 6 months since then and had the best time ever. For the rest, well, I’ll let the pictures told the story, what I can add is one word: “entertainment”.

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1. Dec 27, 2008 Return to Covasna (Covasna)

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Covasna, a Little Wonder in RomaniaOne week trip in Covasna

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