travelgrove Reviews

Ghadames accomodation, Libya

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akka's pictureby akka review
added on 7th of October, 2009

Prezzo in all inclusive, full board, 4 voli interni, visti

Euro 1.490,00 a persona in hotel 2/3 stelle a Tripoli, 2 stelle a Ghadames e Dar Tellil

Euro 1.590,00 a persona in hotel a 2/3 stelle a Tripoli, 4 stelle a Ghadames e Dar Tellil

Euro 1.720,00 a persona in hotel a 4 stelle a Tripoli, 4 stelle a Ghadames e Dar Tellil

Il soggiorno a Dar Tellil (mare) a pensione completa per due persone costa 150 euro al giorno

Per il rilascio del visto ho bisogno della fotocopia dei vostri passaporti senza timbro bilingue e traduzione, 15 giorni prima del vostro arrivo.
Il visto ve lo spedisco via mail 2 giorni prima della partenza. Dovrete presentarlo all'aeroporto di partenza e all'arrivo in dogana a Tripoli.

Buona serata

mahamod akka


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1. Nov 7, 2009 Ghadames accomodation (Ghadames)  (* 10)

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Read about Ghadames in our travel-guide

Recommended Ghadames Guide

Ghadames Sights

The House Museums is situated in the proximity of the western entrance of old Ghadames. This museum was actually the home of some famous merchant who used to do business in the surrounding areas. Today all the decorations and the historical furniture are kept as in the past, giving you an idea of how people used to live during those times. Although it might not look like a traditional museum (you might get disappointed if you are expecting something which will introduce you to the history of Ghadames), you will surely love its interiors. The Big Mosque of Ghadames (also famous by the traditional name of D’jmaa al-Kabir) is another... Read more »


Recent reviews for Ghadames

The wonders of the beautiful Libya - Aug 14, 2009, by travel2libya
LIBYA THE LAP OF HOSPITALITY AND BEAUTIFUL NATURE. Libya is the land of beauty, and attractive nature, where every atom of the virgin land enriches its cradle, because nobody could imagine it elsewhere, otherwise it would not be as perfect... Read more »


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