Udine Reviews, Italy
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Recent reviews for Udine
Udine, Italy - Feb 5, 2015, by adam
Udine is a perfect example of an Italian city. It is very boisterous destination, with typical Italian architecture everywhere you go. It is close to the Slovenian border. Welcoming, pleasant and exciting, it is an ideal place to hang out... Read more »
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The city of Messina is an important religious administrative point, as it is home to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese and Archimandrite since 1548. There’s a 12th century cathedral and lots of historical and literary appearances of the city: from Plutarch to Boccaccio and from Shakespeare (Much Ado about Nothing and Anthony and Cleopatra) to Moliere or Nietzsche, they all mentioned the city in at least one of their writings. There is also a legend about a boy named Colapesce who lived in the sea and is still imagined to support one of the three city’s columns on the seabed. The Sicilians are said to be very superstitious people so... Read more »
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