Accomodation in Honokaa, Hawaii
Reviews > North America > United States > Honokaa > Accomodation in Honokaa
The best place to stay in the whole Honokaa is definitely the Kalopa Homestead Guest House. It is very cozy very well equipped and feels almost better than home. :) We stayed in a lovely cottage with two bedrooms and had a wonderful time.
There is also a yard which is perfect if you are with kids, we were adults only, but we could also use the yard very well for sunbathing. The kitchen was also great, we could cook everything we wanted for ourselves. A little pricy, I have to admit, but worth is if you can afford. :)
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Recent reviews for Honokaa
Hawaii specials: the sound healers of Honokaa - Nov 5, 2008, by AMARAKA
The sound healers will play ancient and modern instruments tuning forks tuned to the “Music Off The Spheres” the actual frequencies and harmonics of the heavenly bodies - Earth, Sun, Moon, and Planets. Tibetan Bowels, Bells,... Read more »
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