travelgrove Reviews

Australia Reviews, Oceania & Australasia

Traveling to Australia, Oceania & Australasia and feeling a bit overwhelmed about your upcoming trip? You'll no doubt want to make sure you know every little detail about the place you're visiting and that's where we come in. Actually, not us directly, but the helpful users of our community who have posted various informative destination reviews about Australia, reviews that you can check out below. They're written by real people with hands-on experience in traveling, so you're getting the real deal, not some biased view coming from a travel agency trying to make a sale. Feel free to read up on any of them and don't hesitate to contact the authors if you have questions about the destinations they wrote about, or any other location they've visited in Australia.

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Recent reviews from Australia

Good to know about Australia - Sydney reviews
Population: 20 million Major Airports: Canberra Airport – Australian Capital Territory - (CBR), Sydney Airport – New South Wales - (SYD), Adelaide Airport – South Australia - (ADL), Melbourne Airport – Victoria... Read more »

The land of kangaroos and koalas, gallery by lindamuraThe land of kangaroos and koalas - Sydney reviews
The ultimate experience in the land down under, Australia. Australia is the only country in the world to occupy a single continent and is one of the oldest continents. Located south east of Asia, it consists of two territories and six... Read more » 

Weather forecast for Australia - Sydney reviews
New Zealand: North Island and South Island - Wellington, Auckland Visit New Zealand in the summer months to go trekking or hit the beaches. However, the winter months are great for skiing as well. Australia: Visit... Read more »


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The city of Pozzuoli itself isnt very nice, but the remnants of the roman buildings compensate this. Especially the roman amphitheatre ist...
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We got up at 4:30am after just about 4 hours of sleep. Not really enough to go on a long trip, but who cares, 2 drivers can easily take turns so...
A Venice vacation


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One of the best tasting Ramen ever! Apparently they have locations in Tokyo and throughout Japan. So if you're in Japan go check it out! It's not...
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There are some attractions you visit at Oslo Blog Gathering 2010: Oslo Opera House recreational culture for the people and The Norwegian Viking...
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