travelgrove Reviews

Selva Di Cadore Reviews, Italy

    's mapPlanning a trip to Selva Di Cadore, Italy? Unless it's not your first visit there, it's sure you have a ton of questions you want to ask about the whats, wheres and whos of Selva Di Cadore. Well, you're in luck, because we have an incredibly helpful community of veteran travelers that often share their experiences in the locations they visit and we have a couple of these user-written reviews on Selva Di Cadore as well. You can check them out below and remember, if you want additional information on Selva Di Cadore or any other destination, feel free to ask our team about it or post a question in our forum section.

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Recent reviews for Selva Di Cadore

The Italian Alps, gallery by lindamuraThe Italian Alps - Nov 22, 2007, by lindamura
Situated in the north eastern part Italy, part of the Italian Alps are called the Dolomites, known as the geological jewel of this part visited by millions of tourists every year to enjoy the rose-colored peaks, unspoilt forests, verdant... Read more » 

Things about Selva Di Cadore you may be interested in

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Recommended Valdobbiadene Guide

Valdobbiadene Travel guide

This wine holds the tradition, history and culture of the people living in the Valdobiadene and the surrounding area. Besides taking long walks and riding on the tracks of these hills there are quite a few activities you can emerge yourself into in this little community. There is a swimming pool where locals usually go to swim, it is not for leisure, sports fields and of course a few restaurants and bars where you can taste the local food. You can walk the trails of Mount Cesen, part of the Pre-Alps of Treviso and discover the beauty of white or grey rocks of this Regional Reserve. History is on the way as you can still see the ruins of... Read more »


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