Sofia Travel Deals, Bulgaria

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You have arrived to the right place to find the best Sofia Travel Deals. Planning a business trip or a romantic getaway just for the two of you but don't want to spend a fortune on it? Get the best and most affordable Sofia Hotel Deals for your stay or Sofia Vacation Packages for a great holiday. Choosing our travel deals means that you saved a lot of money for shopping and a great dinner in your favorite Sofia restaurant.
Sofia Travel Deals

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Sofia Travel Guides

Useful information for getting around

Sofia History

One interesting thing about Serdica during the late Roman occupation is the fact that Christianity was more easily accepted here, leading to Serdica hosting an Ecumenical Council in 343 AD. When the Western Roman Empire lost its power, Serdica became a part of the Byzantium, and reached its peak under the reign of Justinian I. In the 6th century, the cathedral St. Sofia was erected.

Cheap flights to Sofia

Recent Sofia flights found by Travelgrove users

  • $68Ryan Air flight Ryan Air 
    Vienna, AT (VIE)Sofia, BG (SOF)03/11/202306:05 am
    Sofia, BG (SOF)Vienna, AT (VIE)03/12/202302:35 pm check price
  • $98Ryan Air flight Ryan Air 
    London, GB (STN)Sofia, BG (SOF)03/09/201906:15 pm
    Sofia, BG (SOF)London, GB (STN)03/16/201909:20 pm check price
  • $166Bulgaria Air flight Bulgaria Air 
    London, GB (LHR)Sofia, BG (SOF)03/09/201904:45 pm
    Sofia, BG (SOF)London, GB (LHR)03/16/201902:20 pm check price
  • $185Bulgaria Air flight Bulgaria Air 
    London, GB (LHR)Sofia, BG (SOF)03/09/201904:45 pm
    Sofia, BG (SOF)London, GB (LHR)03/16/201902:20 pm check price
  • $243Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    London, GB (STN)Sofia, BG (SOF)03/09/201908:20 am
    Sofia, BG (SOF)London, GB (STN)03/16/201906:45 pm check price
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