Cheap flights from Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco

Travel > North America > United States > Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco flights

Travel tip: Well, I guess this is something pretty obvious, but then I guess it's a valid tip. Go visit the Golden gate bridge. Try to come during the late afternoon and maybe wait for sunset, that will make some awesome pictures.

Check our current prices for flights from Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco. Please note that we also give you historical search data for this city connection. These are all airfares that people found in the past, in order to find more current flight information from Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco, you will need to run a search below.

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From $321 / RT details

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Cheap San Francisco airfares from $321/RT are provided by Outbound flight is leaving on 09/18/2024, 07:05 pm from Ft. Lauderdale Intl (FLL) airport and arrives at San Francisco Intl (SFO) at 09:22 pm. The flight time is 2 hours and 17 minutes. The Returning flight departes on 09/24/2024, 05:15 am (other return dates are also available). Date posted: 30 May 2024

Price evolution for flights From Fort Lauderdale To San Francisco

Price overview for flights from Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco

Recent Deals on Flights from Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco:Roundtrip / Oneway

  • $321Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)San Francisco, CA (SFO)09/18/202407:05 pm
    San Francisco, CA (SFO)Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)09/24/202405:15 am check price
  • $415Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)San Francisco, CA (SFO)09/24/202401:40 pm
    San Francisco, CA (SFO)Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)10/08/202405:15 am check price
  • $488Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)San Francisco, CA (SFO)09/24/202401:40 pm
    San Francisco, CA (SFO)Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)10/08/202409:45 am check price
  • $505Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)San Francisco, CA (SFO)09/18/202407:05 pm
    San Francisco, CA (SFO)Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)09/24/202406:00 am check price
  • $606Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)San Francisco, CA (SFO)06/12/202403:00 pm
    San Francisco, CA (SFO)Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)06/19/202405:15 am check price
  • $227Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)San Francisco, CA (SFO)10/15/202401:40 pm check price
  • $317Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)San Francisco, CA (SFO)06/11/202412:35 pm check price
  • $816Alaska Airlines flight Alaska Airlines 
    Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)San Francisco, CA (SFO)06/28/202410:00 am check price
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Know what to do when flying to San Francisco?

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