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Top things to see in Rome, Italy

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MadSuh's pictureby MadSuh review
added on 13th of June, 2009

I really think that walking around in the city is probably the most relaxing. Wherever you look, you see history and not just any history.

We started out at the Pantheon and I was probably again the most amazed about this building that was built in 27b.c. When you walk into the Pantheon, you can barely believe that this was built more than 2000 years ago. Of course the building had been renovated many times, but the celing and the entire architecture is still in tact - Awesome! Also, the Pantheon was excavated really late, I think in the 19th century and this is why it probably escaped the fate of many other awesome buildings in Rome. By the way, there is an awesome Gelateria (ice cream place) right on Via del Pantheon with some 100 different types of gelato - very cool.

We continued walking over to Fontane di Trevi, which is always nice. People always throw coins backwards in the water in the hope to one day returning to Rome. Besides the fantastic and most popular fountain of Rome, there are some good shops around and they are not too expensive. Anyhow, we spent some time there enjoyed the sun and then walked on towards the Spanish stairs.

We walked down the Corso a little until we hit Via Condotti which is right next to Via Veneto and those two streets are probably among the two most expensive streets in the world with a ton of luxury brand stores, similar to Rodeo drive or Fith Avenue. Anyhow, the more beautiful thing is that they come together by the Spanish Stairs, a place that is always full of people hanging out, drining wine snacking, chatting... good fun.

We ended up walking around some more, drinking some coffee and then finally heading home to where my sister had prepared yummy Spaghetti Carbonara for us.


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Read about Rome in our travel-guide
Public transportation in RomeRome requires much time
summerkid's picture
summerkid wrote on Jun 25, 2009:

Recommended Rome Guide

Rome History

Rome, ItalyThe rich history of Rome was largely fueled by political undertakings, in 69 A.D. there were even four emperors at the same time. The changes in the social system from monarchic to republic to the time of emperors are but fragments of a very colorful and larger than life historical ‘facts and figures’ that is Rome. The fall of the Roman Empire to the Visigoths in 476 A.D., last roman emperor was Romulus Augustulus, has not been extravagantly portrayed in the chronicles of the Roman existence for it is plainly dwarfed by the beauty and grandeur that was Rome.... Read more »


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