travelgrove Reviews

Rome experiences, Italy

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MadSuh's pictureby MadSuh review
added on 9th of June, 2009
Rome is a wonderful place. There is probably no place on the planet where old history is so intertwined with the modern world. Rome not only offers history, but also great night life, awesome food, and beautiful weather. If you have some time while in Rome, make sure you also visit Ostia (the beach) as well as Ostia Antica (The ancient port of Rome).
While Rome offers fantastic sights for tourists, it's as much of a pain for the people who live there. Imagine doing the urban planning in a city where anywhere you dig, you hit some ancient ruins. Long story made short, public transportation is a catastrophe. There are almost no parking structures, so don't bother bringing your car and there are barely any subway stations for the reason mentioned above. Be prepared to use buses or cabs while in Rome.

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Rome requires much time

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Rome Travel guide

Rome, ItalyBut anyway it is quite impossible to avoid your past in Rome. You are surrounded with the architectural masterpieces, ruins, monuments, famous paintings, churches listed as world heritage sites and you go about your modern everyday life in ancient surroundings. Romans must feel really privileged and special and they really are as they succeeded in preserving their beloved city not only for themselves but for the whole world to see. The Colosseum, the Pantheon, St. Peter's Basilica, the Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navona and all the other attractions are invaded by tourists from all over the world especially in summer and then Rome doubles its... Read more »


Recent reviews for Rome

You must see the Coloseum - Apr 30, 2009, by cipristb
The Coloseum of Rome amazing! It is the largest amphitheater ever built in the Roman Empire; its construction took 8 years, from 72AD to 80AD, from Emperor Vespasian to Emperor Titus. It hosted some of the grandest festivals of the ancient... Read more »

Dinge zu sehen in Rom - Jun 11, 2009, by mary
Um 8.30 Uhr wachten wir alle auf und frühstückten gemeinsam.Dann wollten Mama,Peter und ich in die Stadt, aber wir fanden den Eingansschlüssel zu Wohnung nicht. Wir suchten und suchten.Dann riefen wir Fillipo bei der Arbeit... Read more »

Favorite attraction in Rome - Apr 30, 2009, by cipristb
The Pantheon was built for the first time in the year 27 AD bt Agrippa, but suffered a serious fire in year 80 so that was rebuilt in the same form by the Emperor Hadrian in 127. In the year 609 the Pantheon came into the custody of the... Read more »

Rom, eine Tour in die Stadt - Jun 11, 2009, by mary
Am 2. Juni um 9.00 Uhr standen wir auf und fruestueckten alle gemeinsam.Danach gingen Mama,Peter und ich in die Stadt zum Colloseum.Dort aber muessten wir eine Stunde warten bis wir erst rein kommen wuerden. Das war uns zu lange und... Read more »

Familie Reise nach Rom - Jun 11, 2009, by mary
Am 1. Juni um 7.00 Uhr weckte mich meine Mutter, weil wir mit ihrem Freund Peter seine Schwester Caro, ihren Mann Fillipo und ihre kleine Tochter Flavia in Rom besuchen wollten.Wir fruestueckten und fuhren um 7.40 Uhr mit dem Auto los.Ich... Read more »


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