Cheap flights from Portland to San Jose, CA

Travel > North America > United States > Portland to San Jose, CA flights

Travel tip: For golf-lovers the Cinnabar Hills Golf Club is like heaven on earth. Playing through a canyon, lake and mountain area, with lush green scenery and and up-to-standard staff, the experience is more than memorable. I've never played golf before, I don't even know how, but I accompanied my friend one day, because he already had booked a tee at least 2 weeks earlier so I didn't want him to miss it out. I was allowed to play on 1-2 holes only which wasn't so bad as I imagined. Mostly I was taken...

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Cheap airfares from /OW are provided by . This flight is going on , from () airport and arrives to () at so it makes 0 hours and 0 minutes. This is a oneway flight. Date posted: 31 Dec 1969

Price evolution for flights From Portland To San Jose, CA

Price overview for flights from Portland to San Jose, CA

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Know what to do when flying to San Jose, CA?

San Jose Travel Guide Enjoy your vacations in San Jose - Overview  San Jose, the largest city of Silicon Valley is about a 50 miles south of the South Francisco is linked with cutting-edge technology and innovation. The city of San José has faced quite a hit even [...]
San Jose History San José in Costa Rica has a fascinating history.  It is currently the capital of Costa Rica but it was not the original capital.  It was first a small pueblo that was founded in 1738.  Cartago was the original capital of Costa Rica.  Many [...]
San Jose Sightseeing If you are going to San Jose, Costa Rica there are a few places that you will have to go to. San Jose is rather small but it does not lack entertainment. These destinations will teach you about local culture, its history and dedication to [...]
San Jose Nightlife In San Jose, Costa Rica, there is an active nightlife. No matter what you like to do, San Jose has something for you. If you prefer to have a relaxed night out on the town, there are various bars that are low key and have a tranquil, [...]
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