Cheap flights from Newark to Lebanon

Travel > Middle East > Lebanon

Check our current prices for flights from Newark to Lebanon. Please note that we also give you historical search data for this city connection. These are all airfares that people found in the past, in order to find more current flight information from Newark to Lebanon, you will need to run a search below.

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From $1258 / RT details

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Cheap Beirut airfares from $1258/RT are provided by Outbound flight is leaving on 06/20/2024, 06:00 pm from New York Ny/newark Newark Inl (EWR) airport and arrives at Beirut Intl (BEY) at 02:55 am. The flight time is 8 hours and 55 minutes. The Returning flight departes on 07/05/2024, 03:20 am (other return dates are also available). Date posted: 15 May 2024

Price evolution for flights From Newark To Lebanon

Price overview for flights from Newark to Lebanon

Recent Deals on Flights from Newark to Lebanon:Roundtrip / Oneway

  • $1258Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Newark, NJ (EWR)Beirut, LB (BEY)06/20/202406:00 pm
    Beirut, LB (BEY)Newark, NJ (EWR)07/05/202403:20 am check price
  • $1464Lufthansa flight Lufthansa 
    Newark, NJ (EWR)Beirut, LB (BEY)06/20/202406:00 pm
    Beirut, LB (BEY)Newark, NJ (EWR)07/05/202404:10 am check price
  • $1499Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Newark, NJ (EWR)Beirut, LB (BEY)06/10/202405:00 pm
    Beirut, LB (BEY)Newark, NJ (EWR)06/17/202407:40 am check price
  • $1529Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Newark, NJ (EWR)Beirut, LB (BEY)06/10/202405:00 pm
    Beirut, LB (BEY)Newark, NJ (EWR)06/17/202408:20 pm check price
  • $1724Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Newark, NJ (EWR)Beirut, LB (BEY)07/16/202406:00 pm
    Beirut, LB (BEY)Newark, NJ (EWR)07/23/202401:20 pm check price
  • We are sorry but currently there are no oneway offers for flights from Newark to Lebanon.
    Please visit this page again later or try out our merchant comparison search. Good luck!
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Know what to do when flying to Lebanon?

Beirut Travel Guide Beirut, the administrative capital of Lebanon, is indeed on its way to regain its past glory and magic. Whether we speak of its geographical advantage, its commercial and industrial significance or its cultural richness, Beirut has always been [...]
Beirut History Once known as the Paris of the Middle East, Beirut is the capital and the largest city of the country of Lebanon. It is strategically located almost midway the Lebanese coastline facing the Mediterranean. It has become the country’s major [...]
Beirut Sightseeing Beirut is one of that Middle Eastern that has managed to mix a touch of modernity and the preservation of culture and history. That is why, even before the times of the civil war, the liberal nature of this city has attracted a good number of [...]
Beirut Nightlife The nightlife of Beirut can be likened to a start of a fireworks display - booming but not yet in full swing. Maybe due to the still conservative nature of the Lebanese people or the still visible ravages of the civil war, Beirut is although [...]
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