Cheap flights from New York City to Yerevan

Travel > Europe > Armenia > New York City to Yerevan flights

Check our current prices for flights from New York City to Yerevan. Please note that we also give you historical search data for this city connection. These are all airfares that people found in the past, in order to find more current flight information from New York City to Yerevan, you will need to run a search below.

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From $1197 / RT details

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Cheap Yerevan airfares from $1197/RT are provided by Outbound flight is leaving on 06/11/2024, 09:50 pm from New York Ny/newark Kennedy (JFK) airport and arrives at Yerevan (EVN) at 03:40 am. The flight time is 5 hours and 50 minutes. The Returning flight departes on 06/19/2024, 04:40 am (other return dates are also available). Date posted: 11 Apr 2024

Price evolution for flights From New York City To Yerevan

Price overview for flights from New York City to Yerevan

Recent Deals on Flights from New York City to Yerevan:Roundtrip / Oneway

  • $1197Lufthansa flight Lufthansa 
    New York, NY (JFK)Yerevan, AM (EVN)06/11/202409:50 pm
    Yerevan, AM (EVN)New York, NY (JFK)06/19/202404:40 am check price
  • $1207Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    New York, NY (JFK)Yerevan, AM (EVN)06/11/202409:45 pm
    Yerevan, AM (EVN)New York, NY (JFK)06/19/202404:40 am check price
  • $1897Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    New York, NY (LGA)Yerevan, AM (EVN)07/10/202402:30 pm
    Yerevan, AM (EVN)New York, NY (LGA)07/24/202404:45 am check price
  • $1997Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    New York, NY (LGA)Yerevan, AM (EVN)07/10/202411:30 am
    Yerevan, AM (EVN)New York, NY (LGA)07/24/202410:50 am check price
  • $3097Qatar Airways flight Qatar Airways 
    New York, NY (LGA)Yerevan, AM (EVN)06/11/202405:59 pm
    Yerevan, AM (EVN)New York, NY (LGA)06/19/202403:30 am check price
  • We are sorry but currently there are no oneway offers for flights from New York City to Yerevan.
    Please visit this page again later or try out our merchant comparison search. Good luck!
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Specify your search details. Browse the cheapest flights from New York City to Yerevan, Yerevan hotel rooms and New York City to Yerevan vacation packages from the most popular providers, airline consolidators and travel search engines.

Know what to do when flying to Yerevan?

Yerevan Travel Guide Yerevan, also spelled Erevan, Iravan, Erivan or Ayrivan, is the capital of Armenia. This largest city in the country is located on the Hrazdan River and has been playing the role of capital since 1918, with the beginning of the First Republic. [...]
Yerevan History The capital of Armenia, Yerevan, is the largest city in the country and also an important tourist destination. Much of the city was built during the Soviet rule of Armenia, so many buildings in the city are examples of quality Soviet [...]
Yerevan Sightseeing The capital and largest city of Armenia, Yerevan, is best known to be a little time capsule that preserves a tiny fragment of Soviet culture, at least when it comes to architecture. What not many people know is that Yerevan is actually one of [...]
Yerevan Nightlife Yerevan Nightlife will most certainly not disappoint you. This amazing city has a wide variety of restaurants that will mesmerize you with the most exotic decors and will satisfy your preferences with the tastiest dishes you have ever tried. [...]
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