Cheap flights from Dallas to Kenya

Travel > Africa > Kenya

Check our current prices for flights from Dallas to Kenya. Please note that we also give you historical search data for this city connection. These are all airfares that people found in the past, in order to find more current flight information from Dallas to Kenya, you will need to run a search below.

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From $1629 / RT details

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Cheap Nairobi airfares from $1629/RT are provided by Outbound flight is leaving on 07/03/2024, 10:55 pm from Dallas Intl (DFW) airport and arrives at Nairobi Jomo (NBO) at 12:20 pm. The flight time is 13 hours and 25 minutes. The Returning flight departes on 07/10/2024, 08:50 pm (other return dates are also available). Date posted: 06 Mar 2024

Price evolution for flights From Dallas To Kenya

Price overview for flights from Dallas to Kenya

Recent Deals on Flights from Dallas to Kenya:Roundtrip / Oneway

  • $1629Rwandair Express flight Rwandair Express 
    Dallas, TX (DFW)Nairobi, KE (NBO)07/03/202410:55 pm
    Nairobi, KE (NBO)Dallas, TX (DFW)07/10/202408:50 pm check price
  • $1703Qatar Airways flight Qatar Airways 
    Dallas, TX (DFW)Nairobi, KE (NBO)06/25/202410:55 pm
    Nairobi, KE (NBO)Dallas, TX (DFW)07/04/202406:10 pm check price
  • $1816Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Dallas, TX (DFW)Nairobi, KE (NBO)06/25/202403:05 pm
    Nairobi, KE (NBO)Dallas, TX (DFW)07/04/202401:20 am check price
  • $1838Qatar Airways flight Qatar Airways 
    Dallas, TX (DFW)Nairobi, KE (NBO)07/03/202410:55 pm
    Nairobi, KE (NBO)Dallas, TX (DFW)07/10/202406:10 pm check price
  • $1981Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Dallas, TX (DFW)Mombasa, KE (MBA)07/03/202410:55 pm
    Mombasa, KE (MBA)Dallas, TX (DFW)07/09/202409:50 am check price
  • We are sorry but currently there are no oneway offers for flights from Dallas to Kenya.
    Please visit this page again later or try out our merchant comparison search. Good luck!
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Know what to do when flying to Kenya?

Nairobi Travel Guide Nairobi is regarded as Kenya's capital city.  It is also considered safari capital of Kenya.  This city is indeed one of the busiest cities in the place and it has a lot of things to offer that people from all over the world must see.  [...]
Nairobi History Nairobi, the capital and the largest city of Kenya, has had its share of history. Although it is a new city, it has grown into large proportions in both population and economy. In fact, it is the most populous city in East Africa. It name has [...]
Nairobi Sightseeing Nairobi is popular for its engaging nightspots, yet Nairobi during the day is equally stunning. Several trips and tour packages can be arranged on your way to exploring this African Safari. Of course, a chance to see those lions, tigers, zebras [...]
Nairobi Nightlife The buildings of Nairobi are not the main attraction of the city but its people. Nairobi is home to the most fun-loving and friendly people that highlight the city every time the sun goes down. Therefore, when in Nairobi, never fail to visit [...]
Nairobi Pictures
  • shape the destiny of a needy child - Nairobiview
  • magical safari - Nairobiview
  • wilderness kenya - Nairobiview
  • christmas special offer!!! - Nairobiview
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