travelgrove Reviews

Burnsville Reviews, Minnesota

    's mapPlanning a trip to Burnsville, Minnesota? Unless it's not your first visit there, it's sure you have a ton of questions you want to ask about the whats, wheres and whos of Burnsville. Well, you're in luck, because we have an incredibly helpful community of veteran travelers that often share their experiences in the locations they visit and we have a couple of these user-written reviews on Burnsville as well. You can check them out below and remember, if you want additional information on Burnsville or any other destination, feel free to ask our team about it or post a question in our forum section.

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Recent reviews for Burnsville

Short visit in Burnsville, MN - Dec 15, 2008, by MadSuh
Burnsville is a nice little town near Minneapolis. I think it's a great place to live as a family, but not really a great place to visit, as there is not too much to see.There are some nice parks and good restaurants, but it's mostly about... Read more »

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Recommended Atlanta Guide

Atlanta Nightlife

Atlanta, GA, United StatesThe electrifying nightlife of Atlanta embraces everything from coffee houses to bars meant for straights, lesbians and gays. If you are a music lover, the Buckhead’s Chastain Park Amphitheatre is meant for you. After all, you would actually meet with world acclaimed artists like Melissa Ethridge and Harry Connick. Apart from this, you will find attractive restaurants, movie theatres, eating joints, retail and entertainment features in the Atlantic station, which has started from 2005. Live Music Performances For those individuals, who are carving for live musical venues, the five levels of the Tabernacle are indeed amazing hotspots, as... Read more »


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