Cheap flights from Phoenix to South Korea

Travel > Asia > South Korea

Check our current prices for flights from Phoenix to South Korea. Please note that we also give you historical search data for this city connection. These are all airfares that people found in the past, in order to find more current flight information from Phoenix to South Korea, you will need to run a search below.

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From $1219 / RT details

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Cheap Seoul airfares from $1219/RT are provided by Outbound flight is leaving on 09/21/2024, 06:40 pm from Phoenix Intl (PHX) airport and arrives at Incheon Intl Airport (ICN) at 11:00 am. The flight time is 16 hours and 20 minutes. The Returning flight departes on 10/12/2024, 07:45 pm (other return dates are also available). Date posted: 14 Dec 2023

Price evolution for flights From Phoenix To South Korea

Price overview for flights from Phoenix to South Korea

Recent Deals on Flights from Phoenix to South Korea:Roundtrip / Oneway

  • $1219Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Phoenix, AZ (PHX)Seoul, KR (ICN)09/21/202406:40 pm
    Seoul, KR (ICN)Phoenix, AZ (PHX)10/12/202407:45 pm check price
  • $1269Japan Airlines flight Japan Airlines 
    Phoenix, AZ (PHX)Seoul, KR (GMP)09/21/202411:59 pm
    Seoul, KR (GMP)Phoenix, AZ (PHX)10/12/202407:50 am check price
  • $1321Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Phoenix, AZ (PHX)Seoul, KR (ICN)09/21/202406:00 am
    Seoul, KR (ICN)Phoenix, AZ (PHX)10/12/202406:15 pm check price
  • $1626Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Phoenix, AZ (PHX)Seoul, KR (GMP)06/18/202408:00 am
    Seoul, KR (GMP)Phoenix, AZ (PHX)07/02/202407:55 am check price
  • $1696Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Phoenix, AZ (PHX)Seoul, KR (GMP)06/18/202408:00 am
    Seoul, KR (GMP)Phoenix, AZ (PHX)07/02/202407:55 am check price
  • We are sorry but currently there are no oneway offers for flights from Phoenix to South Korea.
    Please visit this page again later or try out our merchant comparison search. Good luck!
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Specify your search details. Browse the cheapest flights from Phoenix to South Korea, South Korea hotel rooms and Phoenix to South Korea vacation packages from the most popular providers, airline consolidators and travel search engines.

Know what to do when flying to South Korea?

Seoul Travel Guide Seoul, the capital of South Korea is the fifth largest city in the world. It is one of the favorite destinations of tourists from all over the globe. From sky high skyscrapers to ancient buildings, from trendy shopping malls to road side shops, [...]
Seoul History Seoul's history stretches back to a time before Christ to 18 BC or maybe even earlier. In its two millennia years of history, Seoul has served as a capital of kingdoms since its establishment. There is evidence of human settlements in the [...]
Seoul Sightseeing Set your Sites on Sparkling Seoul The soul of South Korea is more than just about taekwondo and spicy kimchi.  With 600 years worth of history, Seoul is fast becoming the next best tourist destination worthy of being part of your list of [...]
Seoul Nightlife Sparkling Seoul in Korea In lively contrast to the picturesque palaces and landscapes that are very much characteristic of Seoul at daytime, its nightlife is anything but placid. In fact, the night scene here is sparkling and effervescent with [...]
Seoul Pictures
  • Traveling to S. Korea - Seoulview
  • Traveling to S. Korea - Seoulview
  • Traveling to S. Korea - Seoulview
  • Traveling to S. Korea - Seoulview
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