Cheap flights from Newark to Ontario, CA

Travel > North America > United States > Newark to Ontario, CA flights

Check our current prices for flights from Newark to Ontario, CA. Please note that we also give you historical search data for this city connection. These are all airfares that people found in the past, in order to find more current flight information from Newark to Ontario, CA, you will need to run a search below.

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From $722 / RT details

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Cheap Ontario airfares from $722/RT are provided by Outbound flight is leaving on 06/10/2024, 06:29 pm from New York Ny/newark Newark Inl (EWR) airport and arrives at Ontario Int`l (ONT) at 11:58 pm. The flight time is 5 hours and 29 minutes. The Returning flight departes on 06/24/2024, 07:00 am (other return dates are also available). Date posted: 27 Apr 2024

Price evolution for flights From Newark To Ontario, CA

Price overview for flights from Newark to Ontario, CA

Recent Deals on Flights from Newark to Ontario, CA:Roundtrip / Oneway

  • $722Alaska Airlines flight Alaska Airlines 
    Newark, NJ (EWR)Ontario, CA (ONT)06/10/202406:29 pm
    Ontario, CA (ONT)Newark, NJ (EWR)06/24/202407:00 am check price
  • $1027Alaska Airlines flight Alaska Airlines 
    Newark, NJ (EWR)Ontario, CA (ONT)06/11/202411:04 am
    Ontario, CA (ONT)Newark, NJ (EWR)06/26/202404:24 pm check price
  • $1642Alaska Airlines flight Alaska Airlines 
    Newark, NJ (EWR)Ontario, CA (ONT)06/25/202402:00 pm
    Ontario, CA (ONT)Newark, NJ (EWR)07/07/202404:24 pm check price
  • $596Alaska Airlines flight Alaska Airlines 
    Newark, NJ (EWR)Ontario, CA (ONT)06/20/202405:53 pm check price
  • $611Alaska Airlines flight Alaska Airlines 
    Newark, NJ (EWR)Ontario, CA (ONT)07/20/202410:55 am check price
  • $636Alaska Airlines flight Alaska Airlines 
    Newark, NJ (EWR)Ontario, CA (ONT)06/13/202405:53 pm check price
  • $791Alaska Airlines flight Alaska Airlines 
    Newark, NJ (EWR)Ontario, CA (ONT)07/14/202410:55 am check price
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Know what to do when flying to Ontario, CA?

Ontario Travel Guide A city in the San Bernardino County in California, Ontario offers wonderful living conditions for its residents. Over the years its reputation as a significant tourist attraction has also grown considerably. The city got the name of Ontario [...]
Ontario History   Ontario City is situated in the San Bernardino County (California) which is in United States. According to 2000 census, recorded population in Ontario was 170,373. The lands of Ontario were earlier used for foraging and hunting by the [...]
Ontario Sightseeing   Ontario - a magical city  Ontario has something in store for all the vacationers that can give them a mesmerizing experience. Historically well known as “Sportsman’s paradise”, Ontario has ultra modern amenities for various [...]
Ontario Nightlife Ontario has been noted for its unmatchable nightlife throughout the world. When the sun sets, the city starts radiating with an overweening vigor. All the travelers who have a taste for nightlife swear that Ontario is a city where life starts [...]
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