Cheap flights from New York City to San Pedro Sula

Travel > Central America > Honduras > New York City to San Pedro Sula flights

Check our current prices for flights from New York City to San Pedro Sula. Please note that we also give you historical search data for this city connection. These are all airfares that people found in the past, in order to find more current flight information from New York City to San Pedro Sula, you will need to run a search below.

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From $370 / RT details

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Cheap San Pedro Sula airfares from $370/RT are provided by Outbound flight is leaving on 07/02/2024, 09:55 am from New York Ny/newark La Guardia (LGA) airport and arrives at San Pedro Sula La Mesa (SAP) at 11:42 pm. The flight time is 13 hours and 47 minutes. The Returning flight departes on 07/15/2024, 12:59 am (other return dates are also available). Date posted: 27 May 2024

Price evolution for flights From New York City To San Pedro Sula

Price overview for flights from New York City to San Pedro Sula

Recent Deals on Flights from New York City to San Pedro Sula:Roundtrip / Oneway

  • $370Spirit Airlines flight Spirit Airlines 
    New York, NY (LGA)San Pedro Sula, HN (SAP)07/02/202409:55 am
    San Pedro Sula, HN (SAP)New York, NY (LGA)07/15/202412:59 am check price
  • $415Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    New York, NY (LGA)San Pedro Sula, HN (SAP)07/02/202409:55 am
    San Pedro Sula, HN (SAP)New York, NY (LGA)07/15/202410:00 am check price
  • $491Spirit Airlines flight Spirit Airlines 
    New York, NY (LGA)San Pedro Sula, HN (SAP)06/16/202411:59 am
    San Pedro Sula, HN (SAP)New York, NY (LGA)06/23/202410:56 am check price
  • $613Spirit Airlines flight Spirit Airlines 
    New York, NY (LGA)San Pedro Sula, HN (SAP)06/26/202408:52 am
    San Pedro Sula, HN (SAP)New York, NY (LGA)07/06/202412:39 am check price
  • $618Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    New York, NY (JFK)San Pedro Sula, HN (SAP)07/02/202403:30 am
    San Pedro Sula, HN (SAP)New York, NY (JFK)07/15/202412:59 am check price
  • $93Spirit Airlines flight Spirit Airlines 
    New York, NY (LGA)San Pedro Sula, HN (SAP)06/06/202401:55 pm check price
  • $126Spirit Airlines flight Spirit Airlines 
    New York, NY (LGA)San Pedro Sula, HN (SAP)06/12/202408:35 am check price
  • $240Avianca Airlines flight Avianca Airlines 
    New York, NY (JFK)San Pedro Sula, HN (SAP)06/12/202406:55 am check price
  • $332Aeromexico flight Aeromexico 
    New York, NY (JFK)San Pedro Sula, HN (SAP)06/12/202406:10 pm check price
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Specify your search details. Browse the cheapest flights from New York City to San Pedro Sula, San Pedro Sula hotel rooms and New York City to San Pedro Sula vacation packages from the most popular providers, airline consolidators and travel search engines.

Know what to do when flying to San Pedro Sula?

San Pedro Sula Travel Guide San Pedro Sula has been a popular city in the country of Honduras, located in its north-western corner in the Sula Valley. With a population of more than 1,000,000 people, it is the second biggest city of the country and has been considered to [...]
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