Cheap flights from Louisville to Houston

Travel > North America > United States > Louisville to Houston flights

Travel tip: Don't miss to visit Hermann Park.

Check our current prices for flights from Louisville to Houston. Please note that we also give you historical search data for this city connection. These are all airfares that people found in the past, in order to find more current flight information from Louisville to Houston, you will need to run a search below.

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From $251 / RT details

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Cheap Houston airfares from $251/RT are provided by Outbound flight is leaving on 06/17/2024, 11:03 am from Louisville Standiford (SDF) airport and arrives at Houston Intercont (IAH) at 09:55 am. The flight time is 22 hours and 52 minutes. The Returning flight departes on 06/25/2024, 10:44 pm (other return dates are also available). Date posted: 24 May 2024

Price evolution for flights From Louisville To Houston

Price overview for flights from Louisville to Houston

Recent Deals on Flights from Louisville to Houston:Roundtrip / Oneway

  • $251Spirit Airlines flight Spirit Airlines 
    Louisville, KY (SDF)Houston, TX (IAH)06/17/202411:03 am
    Houston, TX (IAH)Louisville, KY (SDF)06/25/202410:44 pm check price
  • $272Spirit Airlines flight Spirit Airlines 
    Louisville, KY (SDF)Houston, TX (IAH)06/05/202405:30 am
    Houston, TX (IAH)Louisville, KY (SDF)06/20/202405:40 pm check price
  • $275Spirit Airlines flight Spirit Airlines 
    Louisville, KY (SDF)Houston, TX (IAH)06/26/202405:45 am
    Houston, TX (IAH)Louisville, KY (SDF)07/07/202403:35 pm check price
  • $284Multiple Airlines flight Multiple Airlines 
    Louisville, KY (SDF)Houston, TX (IAH)06/05/202405:30 am
    Houston, TX (IAH)Louisville, KY (SDF)06/20/202408:21 pm check price
  • $345Spirit Airlines flight Spirit Airlines 
    Louisville, KY (SDF)Houston, TX (IAH)06/30/202407:45 am
    Houston, TX (IAH)Louisville, KY (SDF)07/10/202409:30 am check price
  • $84Spirit Airlines flight Spirit Airlines 
    Louisville, KY (SDF)Houston, TX (IAH)07/16/202410:24 pm check price
  • $144Spirit Airlines flight Spirit Airlines 
    Louisville, KY (SDF)Houston, TX (IAH)06/19/202408:42 pm check price
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Know what to do when flying to Houston?

Houston Travel Guide The energy capital of this planet, the city of Houston is said to be the leading purchaser of eco energy. Around one fourth of the total energy purchased by Houston City is wind energy. All these factors have immensely helped the environmental [...]
Houston History The goal was to start a city which would work as the hub of commercial and political activities for Texas and if you watch the city of Houston today then you will understand that the founders (Augustus Allen and John Allen) of this city have [...]
Houston Sightseeing Houston has the 4th highest population when compared to other cities of United States of America and has an interesting history backing it up. Houston is also considered to be the city which uses the most air conditioners when compared to all [...]
Houston Nightlife Being a modern day city, Houston has all the ingredients necessary for night lovers to enjoy nightlife the way they want. There are multiple bars, nightclubs, pubs, Icehouses, and even Adult Entertainment houses which make the life of night [...]
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