Cheap flights from Dallas to Canton

Travel > North America > United States > Dallas to Canton flights

Travel tip: Visit Akron/Canton on your holidays!

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Cheap airfares from /OW are provided by . This flight is going on , from () airport and arrives to () at so it makes 0 hours and 0 minutes. This is a oneway flight. Date posted: 31 Dec 1969

Price evolution for flights From Dallas To Canton

Price overview for flights from Dallas to Canton

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Know what to do when flying to Canton?

Canton Travel Guide Canton is the English name for the city of Guangzhou which is part of People’s Republic of China. As is the case with most of the other cities of China, the city of Canton is also a prefecture level city. The only difference with this city [...]
Canton History The first city built where Canton now stands was Panyu in 214 BC.  Many archaeological sites in the area have suggested that Panya was a large hub for trading with foreigners.  It is still a large international trading center today.  In 111 [...]
Canton Nightlife    Canton or Guangzhou is a city located near Hong Kong.  It has a decent nightlife, with reasonable prices.  Much of the outlying areas of the city close up at dusk, but in the inner parts of Canton, the bars and restaurants are open until [...]
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