Leipzig Map, Germany
If you feel like you need some help to find your way in your destination city, you are in the right place. This Leipzig Map will certainly help you to seek out the best restaurants, clubs and sights in town. You want to know what is the best place for a walk? Or what you should be watching out for during your visit? Learn more about the best things to do in the city reading our travel tips and then get around in Leipzig with Travelgrove's map. While searching for places, you can also check some cheap flights or deals or you can take a look at our user's galleries about the city. We hope you will find our city map of Leipzig useful. Enjoy your trip and come back to share your travel experience about Leipzig!
Leipzig Travel Guide
Thinking of the city of Leipzig will not be complete if the visitor will not think about Johan Sebastian Bach. Leipzig is considered as the hometown of the great musical director. He was also the choirmaster of the St. Thomas Boys Choir and he was at the helm of the choir between 1730 and 1750. The St. Thomas Boy’s Choir is an internationally renowned choir which had been performing for more than 800 years. Thanks to... read moreLeipzig History
In 1409, the University of Leipzig was instituted. This paved the way for Leipzig to become the center of German law and publishing. Leipzig continued its development as a productive and progressive city. read moreLeipzig Sightseeing
In Leipzig, the past is never too far. The city's history can be plainly seen in its well-preserved buildings and museums. All over the city, monuments and statues to famous people and events can be viewed. read moreThings about Leipzig you may be interested in
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