travelgrove Reviews

Visiting Saint Ana Lake, Tusnad, Romania

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asterix's pictureby asterix review
added on 27th of July, 2009

Hi friends, I just want you to share my really great trip to lake Saint Ana, with the gang of students from Cavasna.

It was a really amazing and joyfully journey and the end of this vacations. We travel with the bus, that we rent from the hotel Cerbul just near to our hotel. We travel almost 3 hours, however we had some technical problems with the bus and we must stop a little while.

After we arrived we had to take on foot about one kilometer uphill on some curved road till we arrived to the lake. The Saint Ana Lake Is a volcanic lake, with surface of 19,50 ha. The deepest point is about 7 meters and you can walk on it almost at the center without getting too deep.

It is a habit to go in the lake and wash away all of the misdeeds with the tears of Saint Ana.

The nature is just amazing around the lake, a lot of trees and rocks in a harmonic combination, fresh air and birds. If you decide to visit it don’t miss out to go to a Bell Vedere point near the lake, from that point you will have a complete vision over the entire lake.

After this great day we just arrived back to the hotel with great experience and a lot of memories about one of the greatest place in our country.


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Vacation in Covasna - overview

1. Jun 15, 2008 One week trip in Covasna (Covasna)  (* 23)
2. Jun 16, 2008 Visiting the Castle of the Fairies in Covasna (Covasna)  (* 16)
3. Jun 22, 2008 Visiting Saint Ana Lake (Tusnad)  (* 11)
4. Jun 23, 2008 Visiting Brasov (Brasov)  (* 58)

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The baths of Tusnad and the St. Anna LakeVisit Saint Anna lake near Tusnad
Victoria's picture
Victoria wrote on Jul 28, 2009:
wow echt toll

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