travelgrove Reviews

The attractions of Satu Mare, Romania

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cipristb's pictureby cipristb review
added on 3rd of April, 2009
One of the points of atraction in Satu Mare can be the Fireman's Tower from where you can see the whole city. It was build in 1904, and it measures 45 m in hight. It was restaurated a few years ago and now it's one of the points of atraction in Satu Mare. It is located in the center of the city backwards Dacia Hotel, the view from here is very nice. When the wether is good, you can see the whole city. Although, you should be prepared that when it's open for the puplic, sometimes there are quite long queues at the entrance.

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Satu Mare Travel guide

Satu Mare is strategically placed. Being closer to the border of Hungary with Romania, it automatically fetches foreign direct investments for its industry and agriculture. Textile, food, wood and furniture industry are its forte. The furniture industry is a derivative of the wood industry itself. The city is also strongly linked to automotive industry. Agriculture subsidies from the government and soil compatibility also provide it with great agricultural opportunities.Transport The city offers many buses, taxis and local means of transports. Buses are being repackaged to draw more tourists. Presently, taxis are better options for long... Read more »


Recent reviews for Satu Mare

All about Satu Mare - Apr 15, 2009, by cipristb
Satu Mare is a small town in Romania, having almost 100.000 inhabitants. It is located in the north-western part of Romania, in Satu Mare County, at 13 km from the border with Hungary and at 24 km from the border with Ukraine. The principal... Read more »


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