Attractions in Rome, Italy
Reviews > Europe > Italy > Rome > Attractions in Rome
Also when you visit Rome you should see the biggest fontain in this city and one of the most famous fontains wich is Fontana di Trevi.
Read about Rome in our travel-guide
Few words about the International CuisineYou must see the Coloseum
Recommended Rome Guide
Rome Sights
One of the oldest cities in the world, Rome has been dubbed ‘the eternal city’ and ranks high in the list of the most preferred holiday destinations in the world. The Colosseum is on every tourist’s agenda, and for good reason. A day pass costs 11 euros, but if you want to take your time exploring, get a seven day pass for 22 euros instead. This gives you access to the Colosseum as well as everything from Palatine Hill to the catacombs. A guided tour is not really recommended since the queues are endless, and you don’t really get to know anything from the guides that you can’t get out of your travel book or... Read more »
Recent reviews for Rome
Reise nach Ravensburg - Jun 11, 2009, by mary
Wir standen um 6.30 Uhr auf, aber frühstückten nicht. Caro und Flavia ließen wir schlafen. Nur Fillipo war schon wach und half uns unsere Sachen ins Auto zu bringen. Wir bedankten uns bei ihm und verabschiedeten uns und... Read more »
My first visit in Rome - Jun 13, 2009, by MadSuh
I guess most tourists are doing the same thing when they first visit Rome. It's a pain, but then Rome is so amazing that you just don't mind. The first day, we started out by taking the bus to downtown. I guess the best location to start... Read more »
Top things to see in Rome - Jun 13, 2009, by MadSuh
I really think that walking around in the city is probably the most relaxing. Wherever you look, you see history and not just any history. We started out at the Pantheon and I was probably again the most amazed about this building that was... Read more »
St. Peter Basilica in Rome is a must see - Apr 30, 2009, by cipristb
Basilica of St. Peter is one of the main attractions for tourists visiting Rome. It is located in Vatican City in the famous "Piazza San Pietro. The building today is the result of work across several centuries. Originally it was the... Read more »
Few words about the International Cuisine - Mar 26, 2008, by lindamura
European Cuisine is one of the finest Italian cuisine as the national cuisine known today has evolved through centuries of social and political change. Its roots can be traced back to the 4th century BC. Ingredients and dishes vary by... Read more »
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