The Roman tombs of Pozzuoli, Italy
Reviews > Europe > Italy > Pozzuoli > The Roman tombs of Pozzuoli
Regarding the city, it's a town, that hasn't got much more to offer than the roman buildings and som findings. It's worth a visit, but not for longer than a day or two, just to look around.
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The city of Turin that we know today started as a military stronghold established by Emperor Augustus in the northern part of the Italian peninsula to protect the Roman northern territories. The fall of the Roman Empire also ended the role of Turin as the northern citadel. From there on, several foreign influences invaded Turin until political control was gripped by the Savoy dukedom during the 15th century. During this time, Turin was chosen to house the official residence of the existing Dukedom. Through this development, the Piedmont region unified with Turin as the capital. The city of Turin enjoyed a relatively stable and free existence.... Read more »
Recent reviews for Pozzuoli
What to see in Pozzuoli - Apr 16, 2009, by Wazling
The city of Pozzuoli itself isnt very nice, but the remnants of the roman buildings compensate this. Especially the roman amphitheatre ist preserved very well and you can watch nearly every part of it. Even in the subterranean levels you... Read more »
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