travelgrove Reviews

Enjoying the sea in Capaccio, Italy

    Capaccio's mapTemple of Juno
Temple of Poseidon and Juno
Old greek town gate
Wazling's pictureby Wazling review
added on 13th of May, 2008

That was a really outstanding adventure for me and two friends. We only knew where to go to by train.

Everything else we just decided spontaneously down there. Mainly we enjoyed the sea but we also 'did some history sights. The most interesting thing was, that you could find nearly everything from ancient romans and greeks, if you just went over an fresh done field. Many pieces of amphoras and other ceramic things were just lying on the grounds. And nobody cared about taking it with you. People were friendly down there, but if you want to see cultural life or a real nightlife, the city of "ancient Paestum" doesnt offer so much besides touristic shops.

It was my first trip of that kind and i would really like to do that again.


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