Things to do in Constance, Germany
Reviews > Europe > Germany > Constance > Things to do in Constance
Mainau is an island in Lake Constance. It is maintained as a garden island and a model of excellent environmental practices. We just arrived to Constance with ferry than by car just about 5 km and we found that really exiting island.
It has a lot of exotic flowers, palm trees, giant trees, with a greenery and butterfly house and in the middle of the island the famous palace by Lennart Bernadotte.
At the coast of the island you can find a lot of ducks and swan so close that you can barelly touch them.
We spent there the whole day, this was really beatuiful and relaxing.
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Be the first who requests a site listing for this page.1. Nov 30, 1999 Europa Park in Rust (Rust) (

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3. Jun 23, 2010 Things to do in Constance (Constance) (

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5. Jun 26, 2010 What to see in Waldburg (Waldburg) (

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