Useful info about Berlin, Germany
Reviews > Europe > Germany > Berlin > Useful info about Berlin
One fact about Berlin, Germany: the 70% of the city stands of forest. So Berlin is one of the cleanest and most beautiful cities of the world, with a lot of parks and threes even in the center, what gives an unbeatable, calm and comfortable feeling to the city. I spent there a week but I couldn’t hear even a single loud word or somebody shouting. The other surprising fact was that Berlin is cheaper than most of the European capitals and I didn't only mean the extremely expensive London but cities like Budapest or Bucharest.
There are a lot of places what you can visit thoroughly free like the Bundestag, Sans Souci Park in Potsdam, the Alexanderplatz, the Brandenburg Gate, the monuments of the wall separating East and West and many others. About the nightlife, a beer costs about 2-3 Euro and Saturday night all streets are tied up with young people goin' from one party to other.
And before I forget, one of the most kind thing about Berlin is that almost everybody is riding a bicycle instead of driving a car and the people are (or seem to be) very patient and tolerant one with the other. So there's no doubt that you should pick up Berlin into your must-see list.
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Berlin History
When people think of the history of Berlin they think mostly of the bad things that happened there in the last century. However, the city has quite an interesting past going back to many centuries. Before 500 A.D., the area, that is now Berlin, was included in Germania and was inhabited by Germanic tribes. After these tribes left, Slavic peoples migrated into the area. In the early 800’s the settlement Berolina was introduced. Less than 150 years later, Otto I, who was the King of Germany, took control over the people in the area of Berolina. He founded two dioceses which were not appreciated by the pagan Slavs. He died in 983... Read more »
Recent reviews for Berlin
Berlin - Jul 24, 2009, by Victoria
Berlin wissen sie wo das liegt ich weiß es im osten Deutschlands dort gibt es das Brandenburger Tor,Schlösser und viele Museun zubesichtigen auf jeden fall lohnt es sich dort hinzufahren... Read more »
What to do in Germany - Mar 7, 2008, by lindamura
Population: Aprox. 80Mio Major Airports: Franfurt (FRA), Munich (MUC), Berlin (BER, BML, TXL), Hamburg (HAM). When to Go: Typically the months of May-September are good to visit as the temperatures are not too cold. In the summer it's... Read more »
What you have to know about Berlin - Apr 30, 2009, by cipristb
Berlin City is the largest city of Germany with 3.4 million inhabitants and an area of 892 square km so the city became the capital of the country. Berlin had the first time the status of the capital in 1871 and this status was maintained... Read more »
What to see in Berlin - Aug 14, 2008, by vcppow
Berlin was immortalized in the film 'Cabaret' but the years after WWI represent just one colorful phase. Berlin is a very old city and many of its first buildings such as the Nicolaikirche and Marienkirche, both built between 1230 and 1292,... Read more »
Berlin for low budget travelers - Apr 30, 2009, by erato
The famous TV Tower is situated on the Alexanderplatz with its total height of 365 m. There is a viewing platform and observation deck at 203 meters from where you can see the whole city and, if the weather is good, even farer. It is a... Read more »
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