Berlin for low budget travelers, Germany
Reviews > Europe > Germany > Berlin > Berlin for low budget travelers
The famous TV Tower is situated on the Alexanderplatz with its total height of 365 m. There is a viewing platform and observation deck at 203 meters from where you can see the whole city and, if the weather is good, even farer. It is a restaurant at 207 m with a wonderful view over Berlin nighttime in a clear evening. The Tower is opened from 9:00 AM until midnight with an entrance of 8€ for adults and 3.50€ for children. Do not worry; the top of the tower can be reached by a huge elevator as well.
The Siegessäule is a Victory column situated in the Tiergarden, a large park in the center if Berlin. The 69 m high tower was built to commemorate the victory of Prussians in the Prussian-Danish war. The gilded statue, known as the Golden Else, represents the goddess of victory. There is an observatory on the top of the of the column from where the view is really great, looking eastward the you can make beautiful pictures of the Brandenburg Gate or even the Reichstag. (Also this is the tower from where the angel jumps in Wim Wenders' The Sky over Berlin //Der Himmel über Berlin// movie. The American version called The city of angels was a remake of that film.
The Museum Island is told to be a ‘sanctuary of art and science’. There are five beautiful buildings granted UNESCO National Heritage status in 2000. It is deeply impressive to walk between these magnificent buildings, it’s like you can feel history on your skin. My favorite is the Pergamon Museum with a collection of antiquities from the ancient Greece and the Roman Empire and the beautiful Ishtar Gate from Babylon.
The Hamburger Bahnhof museum in Tiergarten is a center of contemporary arts in Berlin with paintings sculptures, photographs, graphics and multimedia, works by renowned modern and contemporary artists like Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein or Bruce Naumann. The entrance is 8€ for adults, 4€ for students and unemployed and free for children up to 16 years.
Things about Berlin you may be interested in
1. Aug 19, 2007 You must see the Berlin Bundestag (Berlin) (

2. Aug 19, 2007 Places to visit free in Berlin (Berlin) (

3. Aug 20, 2007 Berlin for low budget travelers (Berlin) (

4. Aug 21, 2007 All about Potsdam and the Sanssouci (Potsdam) (

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Berlin History
At the end of World War II, Adolf Hitler committed suicide. This left the city divided between the Soviet communists and the Western Allies. On top of all the damage done to the city by the war, parts of the city were dismantled by the Soviets during this time. In 1961, the Soviets built the Berlin Wall to separate their half of Berlin from the western half. This caused Berlin to be a center of Cold War activity. During the 1980’s the wall was knocked down and upon the fall of communism in 1990, Berlin became part of Germany again. Less than a year later, Berlin was once again Germany’s capital. ... Read more »
Recent reviews for Berlin
What to see in Berlin - Aug 14, 2008, by vcppow
Berlin was immortalized in the film 'Cabaret' but the years after WWI represent just one colorful phase. Berlin is a very old city and many of its first buildings such as the Nicolaikirche and Marienkirche, both built between 1230 and 1292,... Read more »
Was gibt es in Berlin zu tun - Jun 15, 2009, by mary
Wo liegt Berlin? Berlin ist die Hauptstadt Deutschlands und liegt im Nordosten des Landes. Ca. 3,4 Millionen Einwohner hat Berlin. Die Durchschnittstemperatur ist 8,9 Grad. Im Jahr kommen ca. 17 Millionen Turisten nach Berlin, also mehr... Read more »
Places to visit free in Berlin - Apr 30, 2009, by erato
Berlin Sightseeing Berlin is one of the busiest capitals in Europe and still we, visitors must admit that it’s one of the most beautiful ones as well. city on its own is amazing, full of parks; Unequally among the European capitals... Read more »
What you have to know about Berlin - Apr 30, 2009, by cipristb
Berlin City is the largest city of Germany with 3.4 million inhabitants and an area of 892 square km so the city became the capital of the country. Berlin had the first time the status of the capital in 1871 and this status was maintained... Read more »
You must see the Berlin Bundestag - Apr 30, 2009, by erato
Berlin – Bundestag/Reichstag The Bundestag is the national parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. The name Bundestag refers to the institution while the name Reichstag is used for the building. The architect of the original... Read more »
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