the Travel Enthusiast
- 19 MayAdam in Amazing Places | NO COMMENTS
The Polynesian Beauty of Samoa
Sopo’aga Falls in Samoa. This is the typical and common topography of the country ©NeilsPhotography/flickr
Samoa is an island nation located on the Pacific. The capital and largest city is Apia.
The official and national languages are both Samoan and English. The currency is the Samoan Dollar.
Samoa is split in two main islands(Upolu and Savai’i) …
- 29 Mar
5 Polynesian islands to see before you die
Polynesia is made up of about a thousand islands of all sizes scattered over the Pacific Ocean – even if you visited one island per day, it would still take years to explore all the interesting nooks and crannies of this remote part of Oceania. Although the islands are split among a handful of nations, many of the islands are so small that few people (save for geography buffs and Polynesians) have even heard of them.
Some of the most popular travel destinations on the planet are located in Polynesia, but for every Bora Bora or Oahu there are hundreds of other islands that are much less famous, but equally wonderful. Here are 5 Polynesian islands to see before you die, even if you don’t manage to visit all of them. …
- 19 Janitachan in Amazing Places | 1 COMMENT
5 amazing sights in Samoa
Samoa is an island nation halfway between New Zealand and Hawaii, with a population that could fill a medium-sized city. Small and still mysterious for good many travelers, Samoa has some of the most striking landscapes in the Pacific thanks to its volcanic origin, and a culture that is unique, enticing, and shocking for many.
The islands are lush and wild, surrounded by an aura of mystique that inspired Robert Louis Stevenson (quite a famous figure in Samoa, honored with the title of ‘teller of tales’) to write his famous adventure stories. Samoa is a place that inspires the traveler, and it’s difficult not to stay longer on the islands than you initially planned. Here are 5 amazing sights in Samoa, but these are merely the tip of the iceberg. …
- 05 Sepitachan in Amazing Places | NO COMMENTS
Wonders of the world: Samoa
Polynesia is still a blank spot on the map for many people, and considering that it contains over a thousand islands, some of which formed their own nation states, it is not that surprising. Samoa is one such Polynesian island that is not often talked about in the mainstream, but unlike many of its virtually unknown cousins, Samoa is gradually being acknowledged as a very attractive tourist destination.
The rich culture of the country, its natural and man-made attractions and its lush, tropical atmosphere are incredibly powerful tourist magnets. Here’s a short guide to one of the wonders of the world: Samoa. …
- 21 Declizzy_a in Travel Planning | 2 COMMENTS
Solo travel destinations in South Pacific
Traveling solo is becoming more and more popular, and not because travelers are becoming more antisocial – on the contrary! When your friends are not inclined to long weeks of travel, it’s best not to lug them with you and listen to them complain, and just go traveling on your own!
Traveling solo is much less scary than it sounds, and you always end up meeting traveling companions for portions of your journey. Here are some solo travel destinations in South Pacific, for those travelers who want to experience the joys of traveling on their own. …