travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • The best uninhabited islands that you can visit

    Eil Malk, Palau, photo by Lakshmi Sawitri on Flickr

    It was probably easier to end up staying on a desert island centuries ago than nowadays, so those adventurous travelers who want to play at becoming Robinson Crusoe will make to make an effort to be forgotten on some remote island or other. But what you can do quite easily nowadays is visit an uninhabited island – you and many other curious travelers.

    Just because an island is uninhabited it doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of people who will want to visit it, and just as many people willing to arrange a visit for you. You won’t feel completely like a castaway, but if you like ‘stranded on a desert island’ stories, you will love some of the best uninhabited islands that you can visit.

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  • The traveler’s guide to Palau

    photo by Stefan Krasowski

    Palau, a small cluster of islands in Micronesia, is easy to miss on the map, and even easier to miss when it comes to politics. Except the occasional guidebook praising the wonders of the Pacific Islands, this small island nation is rarely heard of.

    Palau is a new country (it became independent in 1994), but it is slowly and steadily making a name for itself among the connoisseurs of exotic islands and interesting cultures. Whether you prefer to spend your time on land or underwater, Palau is fully equipped to surprise even the most well-traveled tourist.

    Unique wildlife, rich flora, stunning beaches and breath-taking coral reefs make these islands a haven for anyone who needs a break from day to day life. Here’s a traveler’s guide to Palau, for those who are ready to discover the marvels of this island nation.

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  • Top 5 little known island nations in the world

    Australia, New Zealand or Japan are some of the most well known island nations on the planet, and they are large, easily found on the map, and known to everyone. But for every famous island country, there are dozens of others that are less talked about in geography classes, and maybe even in traveler circles.

    Living in a country that is made up of sometimes tens or hundreds of tiny little islands is surely interesting, and visiting them and exploring them at your leisure is even more so. So here are the top 5 little known island nations in the world.

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  • 5 great ecotourism destinations

    Now that global warning is pretty much accepted as a reality by most people, many of us have started worrying about the impact that our hobby has on the environment. You don’t have to be an informed environmentalist to know that a plane-trip, for example, is not exactly eco-friendly.

    As a matter of fact, few means of transport are eco-friendly nowadays (except for biking maybe, but how would you visit islands, then?). So for all of you who are environmentally conscious, here is a list of ecotourism travel destinations that, where you can explore nature without damaging it, and improve the local economy at the same time.

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  • The best swimming spots in the world

    Those who are fortunate enough to know how to swim can have fun practically everywhere there is a bit of water. You just need a reasonable temperature (both outside and in the water), and a deep enough body of water to be able to move your limbs without scratching the bottom of the lake/river/ocean.

    But for those of you with more particular tastes, the location of said body of water also matters, and why shouldn’t it? Even while you’re swimming, you inevitably catch a glimpse of the surroundings, and if the surroundings are pretty then the experience is all the more enjoyable. So here are the best swimming places on the planet, for those who can swim and those who don’t (who might just want to go and chill on the banks).

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